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The Literary Gazette, 15th December 1824


O lovely voices of the sky,
    Which hymn'd the Saviour's birth!
Are ye not singing still on high—
    Ye that sang "Peace on earth?"

To us yet speak the strains
    Wherewith, in time gone by,
Ye bless'd the Syrian swains—
    O voices of the sky!

O clear and shining Light, whose beams
    That hour Heaven's glory shed
Around the palms, and o'er the streams,
    And on the shepherd's head;

Be near, thro' life and death,
    As in that holiest night
Of hope, and joy, and faith—
    O clear and shining Light!

O Star, which led to Him, whose love
    Brought down man's ransom free,
Where art thou? Midst the host above,
    May we still gaze on thee?

In heaven thou art not set,
    Thy rays earth may not dim!
Send them to guide us yet,
    O Star which led to Him!F.H.