Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1826.pdf/18

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    'Tis he! thy prince—long sought, long lost,
The leader of the red-cross host!
'Tis he!—to none thy joy betray,
Young Troubadour! away, away!
Away to the island of the brave,
The gem on the bosom of the wave,
Arouse the sons of the noble soil,
To win their lion from the toil;
And free the wassail-cup shall flow,
Bright in each hall the hearth shall glow;
The festal board shall be richly crowned,
While knights and chieftains revel round,
And a thousand harps with joy shall ring,
When merry England hails her king!

[In printing Mrs. Hemans's beautiful poem "The Troubadour and Richard Cœur de Lion," I have deviated from the plan of the Literary Souvenir, it having already been published. I had prepared a short illustration to accompany the plate myself; but having met with this poem, I most willingly gave it the preference. Three other pieces, not less attractive of their kind, will be found in the foregoing pages, from Mrs. Hemans's pen, which were furnished by her expressly for this work.—A. A. W.]