Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1828.pdf/11

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    And there the day's last crimson
    Gives no sad memories birth;
No thought of dead or distant friends,
    Or partings—as on earth.

    Yet fearfully and mournfully
    Thou bid'st that earth farewell,
Altho' thou 'rt passing, loveliest one!
    In a brighter land to dwell.

    A land where all is deathless—
    The sunny wave's repose,
The wood, with its rich melodies,
    The summer and its rose.

    A land that sees no parting,
    That hears no sound of sighs,
That waits thee with immortal air—
    Lift, lift those anxious eyes!

    Oh! how like thee, thou trembler!
    Man's spirit fondly clings,
With timid love, to this, its world
    Of old familiar things!