Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1828.pdf/18

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Sing it where olives wave,
    And by the glittering sea,
And o'er each hero's grave,—
Sing, sing, the land is free!

Mark ye the flashing oars,
    And the spears that light the deep?
How the festal sunshine pours
    Where the lords of battle sweep!

Each hath brought back his shield;—
    Maid, greet thy lover home!
Mother, from that proud field,
    Io! thy son is come!

Who murmured of the dead?
    Hush, boding voice! We know
That many a shining head
    Lies in its glory low.

Breathe not those names to-day!
    They shall have their praise ere long,
And a power all hearts to sway,
    In ever-burning song.