Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1828.pdf/7

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    Or seek'st thou some old shrine
Of nymph or saint, no more by Votary wooed,
    Tho' still, as if divine,
Breathing a spirit o'er the solitude?

    Yet wherefore ask thy way?
Blest, ever blest, whate'er its aim, thou art!
    Unto the greenwood spray
Bearing no dark remembrance at thy heart!

    No echoes that will blend
A sadness with the rustlings of the grove;
    No memory of a friend
Far off, or dead, or chang'd to thee, thou Dove!

    Oh! to some cool recess
Take, take me with thee on the summer-wind!
    Leaving the weariness,
And all the fever of this life behind:

    The aching and the void
Within the heart whereunto none reply,
    The early hopes destroyed—
Bird! bear me with thee thro' the sunny sky.