Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1830.pdf/7

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"Yes, weep, my sister! weep, till from thy heart
    The weight flow forth in tears—yet sink thou not!
I bind my sorrow to a lofty part,
    For thee, my gentle one! our orphan lot,
To meet in quenchless trust:—my soul is strong—
Thou, too, wilt rise in holy might, ere long.

"A breath of our free heavens and noble sires,
    A memory of our old victorious dead,—
These mantle me with power; and though their fires
    In a frail censer briefly may be shed,
Yet shall they light us onward, side by side:—
Have the wild birds, and have not we a guide?

"Cheer, then, beloved! on whose meek brow is set
    Our mother's image—in whose voice a tone,
A faint, sweet sound of hers is lingering yet,
    An echo of our childhood's music gone;—
Cheer thee! thy sister's heart and faith are high;
Our path is one—with thee I live and die!"