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The New Monthly Magazine, Volume 7, Page 260



    Come near!—ere yet the dust
Soil the bright paleness of the settled brow,
Look on your brother, and embrace him now,
    In still and solemn trust!
Come near! once more let kindred lips be press'd
On his cold cheek, then bear him to his rest.

    Look yet on this young face!
What shall the beauty, from amongst us gone,
Leave of its image, e'en where most it shone,
    Gladdening its hearth and race?
—Dim grows the semblance, on man's thought impress'd;
Come near! and bear the beautiful to rest!

    Ye weep, and it is well!
For tears befit earth's partings!—Yesterday
Song was upon the lips of this pale clay,
    And sunshine seem'd to dwell
Where'er he moved—the welcome and the bless'd!—
—Now gaze! and bear the silent to his rest.

    Look yet on him, whose eye
Meets yours no more, in sadness or in mirth!
Was he not fair amongst the sons of earth,
    The beings born to die?
But not where Death has power, may Love be bless'd!
—Come near! and bear ye the beloved to rest.

    How may the mother's heart
Dwell on her son, and dare to hope again?
The spring's rich promise hath been given in vain,
    The lovely must depart!
Is he not gone, our brightest and our best?
—Come near! and bear the early-call'd to rest!

    Look on him! is he laid
To slumber from the harvest or the chase?
—Too still and sad the smile upon his face,
    Yet that, e'en that, must fade!
Death will not hold unchanged his fairest guest:
Come near! and bear the mortal to his rest!

    His voice of mirth hath ceased
Amidst the vineyards! there is left no place
For him whose dust receives your last embrace,
    At the gay bridal feast!
Earth must take earth to moulder on her breast;
Come near! weep o'er him! bear him to his rest.

    Yet mourn ye not as they
Whose spirit's light is quench'd!—For him the past
Is seal'd. He may not fall, he may not cast
    His birthright's hope away!
All is not here of our beloved and bless'd!
—Leave ye the sleeper with his God to rest.

  1. * These lines were suggested by a part of the Greek funeral service, which summons relatives and friends to bid their last adieu. During, and after the recitation of this service, they kiss the cheeks and forehead of the deceased, who is laid in an open coffin. See Christian Researches in the Mediterranean.