Page:Felicia Hemans in The New Monthly Magazine Volume 7 1823.pdf/5

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"And let me slumber in the soil
    Which gave my fathers birth;
I have closed my day of battle-toil,
    And my course is done on earth."

—*[1] Now wave, ye stately banners, wave!
    Through the lattice a wind sweeps by,
And the arms o'er the death-bed of the brave
    Send forth a hollow sigh.

Now wave, ye banners of many a fight,
    As the fresh wind o'er you sweeps;
—The wind and the banners fall hush'd as night;
    The Campeador—he sleeps!

Sound the battle-horn on the breeze of morn,
    And swell out the trumpet's blast!
Till the notes prevail o'er the voice of wail,
    For the noble Cid hath pass’d.

  1. * See the Spanish Ballad, "Banderas antiquas, tristes, &c."