Page:Felicia Hemans in The Winter's Wreath 1830.pdf/2

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The Minster.


A fit abode, wherein appear enshrined
Our hopes of immortality.

Speak low!—the place is holy to the breath
    Of awful harmonies, of whisper'd prayer:
Tread lightly!—for the sanctity of death
    Broods with a voiceless influence on the air;
Stern, yet serene!—a reconciling spell
Each troubled billow of the soul to quell.

Leave me to linger silently awhile!
    —Not for the light that pours its fervid streams
Of rainbow-glory down through arch and aisle,
    Kindling old banners into haughty gleams,
Flushing proud shrines, or by some warrior's tomb
Dying away in clouds of gorgeous gloom:

Not for rich music, though in triumph pealing,
    Mighty as forest-sounds when winds are nigh;
Nor yet for torch and cross, and stole, revealing
    Through incense-mists their sainted pageantry;
Though o'er the spirit each hath charm and power,
Yet not for these I ask one lingering hour,