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Strike Out or Insert.
§ 113

is the will of the assembly. In amending an amendment you may amend in any of the forms of amendment—i. e., by inserting or adding, by striking out, by striking and inserting or adding, by division of the proposed amendment, or by substitution. When an amendment to an amendment is before the assembly it requires three separate votes to decide the question. Provided all are carried, the questions will be as follows:

1. On the amendment to the amendment.

2. On the amended amendment.

3. On the main question as amended.


113. When it is moved to strike out words from a paragraph, or to strike out a paragraph, the words to be struck out must be consecutive words. Or, if it is moved to insert words into a paragraph the words to be inserted must be inserted together and the description of the words to be struck out and the place it is proposed to insert