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Practical Lessons.
§ 146

Or if the noes are in majority he will say: “The noes have it. There is no election. Nominations for chairman are again in order.”

When the chairman is elected he takes the chair and proceeds to complete the organization by the election of a secretary. This election is conducted the same as the election of a chairman, except that since the chairman is elected he has the power of recognition in deciding who has the floor. Therefore, when any member desires to introduce any business, or speak on any subject, he must first obtain the floor by rising and saying, “Mr. Chairman,” and wait until recognized.

146. Mr. Hansell (rising): Mr. Chairman.

The Chairman: Mr. Hansell.

Mr. Hansell: I nominate Mr. Newton for secretary.

The Chairman: Mr. Newton has been nominated. Are there other nominations?

. . . As many as favor Mr. Newton for