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Practical Lessons.
§ 149

Handel and inserting Studebaker—say aye. . . . Those opposed, no. . . . The ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. The question now recurs on the amended motion. That when we adjourn it shall be to meet in Studebaker Hall next Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Are you ready for the question? (Undebatable.)

Mr. Harter (obtaining the floor): I move to amend by striking out 7:30 and inserting 8.

Mr. Kane (rising): I second the motion.

The Chairman: It is moved and seconded to amend the motion by striking out 7:30 and inserting 8. Are you ready for the question? (Undebatable.)

Mr. Scales (obtaining the floor): The hour 7:30 is too early for those residing in the suburbs. I am in favor of——

The Chairman (interrupting): The gentlemen is not in order. In this case the question before the assembly—fixing the time and place—interrupts the undebatable