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Practical Suggestions.
§ 166

Mr. Mercer (rising): I second the motion.

The Chairman: It is moved and seconded that we adjourn. Are you ready for the question? (Undebatable). As many as favor adjournment say aye. . . . Those opposed no. . . . The ayes have it. We are adjourned.


166. In closing it may be said that a work of this kind would hardly be complete unless it offered a few suggestions for those who desire to take an active part in the proceedings or to preside over a deliberative assembly.

Each member of an assembly should bear in mind that the rights of the individual members are based on the fact of the equality of the members, and by reason of said right each and every member is entitled to the same courteous attention while participating in debate or other proceedings of the assembly. Therefore, as every member has the right, it is the duty of the pre-