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§ 40
Debate and Decorum.

the mover of the proposition, for, since it is his proposition, it is fair to presume he can best explain it. (But this is understood to be purely a matter of courtesy, and not of right.) Then the chairman should recognize one opposed to the question, and so conduct the debate that both sides of the question may be fully and fairly discussed.

40. The subject of debate is always the last debatable question submitted to the assembly, whether it is the main question or any incidental or subsidiary question. So if a member has spoken to a main question, he may speak upon any dependent question if debatable. For example, if he has spoken to a question or resolution, and if it be moved to refer the subject to a committee, he may speak as to the propriety of referring it, and also on the question presented by the report of the committee. If the last question is an undebatable one (75), then all debate ceases until the undebatable question is disposed of. Sometimes the pending question is one that opens to debate the entire merits of the