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§ 44
Debate and Decorum.

as well as the negative side; therefore, before putting a question to vote, the chairman should be careful to give every member who so desires an opportunity to be heard by saying, “Are you ready for the question?” and waiting a reasonable time before putting it to vote.

When the vote is by the Yeas and Nays (47) debate cannot be re-opened after the voting has commenced.

44. When a member is speaking he may yield the floor for a question addressed to himself without losing his right to continue, since if yielded for a question addressed common courtesy would assign him the floor for an answer; or he may yield for a motion to adjourn, or for a recess, without losing his right to continue if either of these motions is lost; on the other hand, if the motion is carried, he is entitled to resume at the next meeting. He has no right to yield to another member to speak for or against the question, or to another member to make an explanation, unless under the cognizance of the chair. If he