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§ 47

hold each member personally responsible to his constituents.

It is usually ordered by vote of one-fifth of the members present. In legislative bodies, such as legislatures, city councils, etc., where constituents have a right to know how the members vote, a small number of the members should be able to order the vote taken by the yeas and nays, and this should be provided for in the rules.

4th. By ballot, in which each member deposits his vote. It is the only method by which secrecy is preserved, and is generally used in elections to membership and to office, where the members do not desire to express their preferences openly. The principle underlying all elections is the right of the voter to a secret expression of opinion.

48. In most societies it is provided in the constitution or by-laws that elections to membership and to office shall be by ballot When such elections have been by ballot, that vote should not be reconsidered (135). In counting the ballots, all votes cast for