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Cannot be Debated.
§ 75

A call for the orders of the day.

Suspension of the rules.

To lay on the table.

To take from the table.

The previous question.

Objection to consideration.

Granting leave to read papers.

Questions of order (on an undebatable question).

Questions as to the method of voting.

To go into committee of the whole.

Any matter that interrupts an undebatable question.

All motions limiting or closing debate.

Granting leave to withdraw a motion.

To reconsider (if on an undebatable question).

Note.—“A level-headed chairman will recognize the difference between discussing the question pure and simple, and making suggestions or asking a question, as business may often by facilitated by allowing such informal remarks, and when such suggestions or questions will assist in determining the question they may be allowed to a limited extent (if no objection is offered) even though the question before the assembly is undebatable.”