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§ 87
Questions of Privilege.

should be taken up in its regular order at the next session under the order of unfinished business and consideration upon it resumed at the point where it was interrupted by adjournment.


87. Questions of privilege are those affecting the rights and privileges of an assembly, or of its individual members. They are of two kinds—those affecting the whole assembly as a body, and those affecting an individual member, and rank in the order named—i. e., the questions affecting the rights, safety, dignity, or integrity of the assembly as a body take precedence of and should be acted upon before those affecting a member. All such questions take precedence of questions of order and of all other questions for the time being, or if the question of privilege is requiring immediate action it may even interrupt a member while speaking. While questions of privilege, questions of order and questions of consideration are not, properly speaking, motions, they take a high rank in every de-