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The Influence of Christianity on the Condition of Woman.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither bond
nor free; there is neither male nor female: for ye are
all one in Christ Jesus." –Galatians iii. 28.

Woman was the finishing grace of the creation. Woman was the completeness of man's bliss in Paradise. Woman was the cause of sin and death to our world. Woman was the means of our redemption. Woman is the mother of the human race; our companion, counselor, and comforter in the pilgrimage of life; or our tempter, our scourge, and our destroyer. Our sweetest cup of earthly happiness, or our bitterest draught of sorrow, is mixed and administered by her hand. She not only renders smooth or rough our path to the grave, but helps or hinders our progress to immortality. In heaven we shall bless God for her aid in assisting us to reach that blissful state, or amid the torments of unutterable woe in another region, we shall deplore the fatality of her influence.

Such is my reason for determining to address a course of monthly sermons to her sex. They have