Page:Ferrier's Works Volume 1 - Institutes of Metaphysic (1875 ed.).djvu/376

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that we are at present concerned critically with their opinions.

The known phenomenal according to the older systems.15. In the older systems, the phenomenal (φαινόμενον) was a synonym for the sensible (αἰσθητόν), and both of these were exactly equivalent to inchoate—that is, begun, but not completed cognition; in other words, to cognition, which was not cognition, until supplemented by the element (εἶδος) or (ἰδέα) required to complete it. Thus the phenomenal was laid down as that which could be known or conceived only when something else was known or conceived along with it. But this is precisely the definition of phenomenon given in these Institutes. And thus there is an exact coincidence of opinion between the older systems and the present work, in so far as the conception of the phenomenal is concerned.

The known substantial according to the older systems.16. The same coincidence may be easily shown in regard to the conception of known substance. In the older systems, the substantial in cognition (τὸ ὄν) was a synonym for the intelligible (νοητόν), and both terms were equivalent to completed cognition; that is, to whatever could be known or thought of without anything else being known or thought of along with it. But this is precisely the definition of known substance given in these Institutes.