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The author wishes to thank the following magazines for permission to reprint the contents of this book:

The Century Magazine, the North American Review, the Nation, the American Mercury, Chicago Poetry, Voices, the Measure, the Forum, Contemporary Verse, Rhythmus, the Freeman, the Literary Supplement of the New York Evening Post, the Saturday Review, the Bookman, Commonweal and the Lyric.

Also the Poetry Society of South Carolina, which awarded the poem "Oberammergau" the Blindman Prize for 1923.

"Fiddler's Farewell" was read at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., before the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa at the author's initiation as a member of that Society.

"The Ballad of a Lost House" was awarded the Guarantor's Prize for 1925 by Poetry: A Magazine of Verse.