N of Boulder, Colo. , Apl 5/07
Drove north in morning, taking Frank Rohwer and Clinton Fullen with me. Visited station 2, sec 12 Tp 1 N R 70 W and found some poorly preserved Inoceramus sp. and fragments of Baculites sp. This station is some distance above the base of the Pierre group, instead of being at the base as I had supposed. W of this station I found the boulder cap of the mesa cemented into a conglomerate by a calcareous cement, as at station 3, sec 5 tp 1 N, R 70 W. Of course this being W of the Hygiene sandstone there are no Hygiene fragments, as at sta. 3 in sec. 5. We then went N to the “paper” shales, collected some I. labiatus , a shark tooth and 2 specimens of the undescribed cephalopod which I