Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/28

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and at bed time was warm and sprinkling with no wind. Watts and I reached Silver Lake Silver Lake, Colorado at 3 p.m. Thinking that the other three and the team would be there but they were not, so Watts came on to select camp and I started back. Soon met Markman who said they had taken the wrong trail soon after leaving us while we were waiting to see if the wagon was coming. He had soon seen some men who had told him his mistake and promised to send others back, but they kept on until their trail played out, then through dead timber till the((y)) struck the Camp Albion road Camp Albion Road, Colorado where they were directed across to Silver Lake Silver Lake, Colorado. I walked rapidly until I met the wagon about 4 miles back. We were unable to get to Goose Lake Goose Lake, Colorado on account of logs across the road but arrived at the new city sawmill, head of Island lake Island Lake, Colorado about 6 p.m. where the