Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/82

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conglomerates are composed more largely of waste of underlying rocks with less debris from the mountains. Am terribly fatigued with so much hard climbing and being on my feet since 6 a.m., so gave up at 5:30. Dodds came in at 6 p.m. with nothing more. Harry arrived at 8 p.m. with part of a jaw and Markman came later. It rained after Markman arrived, wind north. Had mush and milk for supper.

Tuesday, June 26, 1906 June 26, 1906

I started west with Dodds and Harry and worked along the cliffs. At last point of the bluffs but one to the west Dodds found a small turtle in clay about 1/3 of way to top and we chiseled it out ((.)) around the point to northeastward he found a portion of a jawbone in about the same horizon and near by I found a turtle turtle. We got out the former but the latter was