Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 2.pdf/22

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here and probably considerably more. About a mile S of Box Elder Box Elder is a formation resting on granite which looks as if it were metamorphosed Fountain, but contains no pebbles and no large feldspar crystals. It is full of mica, thin bedded dipping N. 24˚ E. I believe it is weathered shistose (sic) granite. Continuing southward we found it frequently above the hard unweathered granite. At the ranch above mentioned I found Fountain conglomerate resting on granite and at the very contact, with an east slope, found a piece of chert containing brachiopods brachiopods. Further south on the east side of the valley, up on the escarpment we found the crinoidal limestone in Fountain conglomerate, with several other limestones of similar character above, alternating with conglomerate and sandstone, just as we found it in Wyoming Wyoming. The thin bedded formation mentioned in yesterday’s notes as overlying the crinoidal limestone may be a limestone as a similar zone here is. We have not found any other outcrop of the limestone beneath