Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 3.pdf/42

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8889 ft. above sea level in a fine mountain valley, modified by glacial action. Moraine consists chiefly of granite and gneiss, and have been cut through by South Boulder Creek South Boulder Creek, Colorado. Down creek in forenoon we saw white crowned sparrows, Lincoln sparrows Melospiza lincolnii and Brewer blackbirds Euphagus cyanocephalus, besides a small bird which looked much like a chipping sparrow Spizella passerina. In afternoon, Robbins, Prosser and I went up stream and collected several species of snails Gastropoda under aspens Populus. In evening I identified and labelled the birds collected by Robbins.

Tolland, Col. Tolland, Colorado,July 26, 1909 July 26, 1909

Bright, hot morning, cooler and partly cloudy toward 10 a.m. Arose at 6 a.m. and went down gulch to Rollinsville Rollinsville, Colorado with Ramaley, eating fruit and crackers along the way. The