Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 3.pdf/49

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distance from the village are several deposits of slide rock separated from the main ridge by a shallow depression. . They lie on a steep slope and are apparently the result of rock sliding over a post glacial snow and ice bank for years and stopping at the foot of the ice or snow. The moraine here extends up the slopes several hundred feet. There appears to be a roche moutonee within South Boulder canyon South Boulder Canyon, Colorado. At mouth of Mammoth Gulch Mammoth Gulch the moraine is very deep, perhaps 200 or 300 ft. On each side there is a hummocky lateral moraine. Two long, parallel, narrow ridges extend up gulch for a mile. Between them flows the creek. E of the E ridge is a wet valley in which but little water now flows. To the W of the W ridge is the Teller Lake Teller Lake and its valley. Perhaps the two stream valleys were subglacial stream beds and continued