Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 4.pdf/5

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Austin Russell returning from White River White River, CO. Reached Boulder Boulder, CO at 5:15

Boulder, Colo. Boulder, CO Dec. 21,1909 December 21, 1909 Started up Boulder Canyon Boulder, CO at 11:15 a.m., with camp pack and 16 Gauge double barreled shotgun. 15˚ above zero. Heavy snow on ground. Sun shining. Just inside the canyon saw flock of 25 pinon jays Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus. A few mt. chickadee Poecile gambeli and juncos Junco hyemalis, long crested jays Cyanocitta stelleri and magpies Corvidae. At Coburn Mill Coburn Mill saw several birds which I believe were red breasted nuthatches Sitta canadensis. Reached the Marchioness tunnell (sic) at 3:30. Saw a pine squirrel Tamiasciurus. Set 11 traps for mice mice, shrews shrews etc. John Blanchard reached the cabin at 4:30. After getting a short distance up the canyon even the Peromyscus Peromyscus tracks become scarce. At the Marchioness there were