Page:Fifty years hence, or, What may be in 1943 - a prophecy supposed to be based on scientific deductions by an improved graphical method (IA fiftyyearshenceo00grim).pdf/60

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alkaloids having medicinal effects of character as various as the sources and methods of production of the drugs themselves.

The four haloids, iodine, bromine, chlorine and fluorine, have lone been discovered to be allotropic forms of one and the same simple element; and the relations between carbon and boron, and carbon and silicon, have been traced to such a degree as to render possible the production of new steels and other alloys, comprising a range of properties undreamed of in 1893.

Diamonds are no longer precious stones, since they are electrically deposited in great quantities at trifling expense; as are, of course, all other stones once styled precious.

The dead are disposed of by cremation in gas furnaces, or by dessication; and the establishments for performing these operations, and for disposing of the remains, are under strictest governmental supervision.

The use of explosives—confined to peaceful operations since war has been voted too expensive—has largely increased; and there are numbers of them which, while explosible only by electricity applied in a particular way——thus