Page:Fifty years hence, or, What may be in 1943 - a prophecy supposed to be based on scientific deductions by an improved graphical method (IA fiftyyearshenceo00grim).pdf/75

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possessed of means enough to support him for three months without work, or having from a responsible party a contract for his labor for half a year ahead. Thus no paupers are thrown upon the community, to be supported by either the working or the leisure class.

The Government takes it upon itself, first to prevent idleness, and second to furnish work to the unemployed; so that there is no vagrancy.

In every city of importance, as well as in the minor towns, the planting of trees on the streets is compulsory; and if a lot-holder does not plant and maintain on his street line the kind and number of trees for which the laws call, they are planted there by the local authorities, at his charge.

Trial by jury was abolished in 1910 with scarcely a dissenting vote: and instead of ignorant or prejudiced juries, learned judges, who hold their office during life or until impeached by their peers, decide questions of law and evidence. The statute law has been greatly amended, and the common law superseded by principles of equity.

The enactments concerning marriage and di-