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Firearms Act 1968
Ch. 2733


Section 17.

Offences to which section 17(2) applies

1. Offences under any of the following provisions of the 1861 c. 97.Malicious Damage Act 1861:—

sections 1 to 8 (setting fire to buildings and other property);
sections 9 to 12 (blowing up buildings or destroying them by riotous action);
sections 14 and 15 (industrial sabotage);
sections 26 to 29 (sabotage of mines and machinery);
sections 33 to 38 (sabotage of public transport and communications);
section 54 (making or having explosives for destructive purpose).

2. Offences under any of the following provisions of the 1861 c. 100.Offences Against the Person Act 1861:—

sections 20 to 22 (inflicting bodily injury; garrotting; criminal use of stupefying drugs);
section 30 (laying explosive to building etc.);
section 32 (endangering railway passengers by tampering with track);
section 38 (assault with intent to commit felony or resist arrest);
section 47 (criminal assaults);
section 56 (child-stealing and abduction).

3. Offences under such of the provisions of section 4 of the 1824 c. 83.Vagrancy Act 1824 as are referred to in and amended by section 15 of the 1871 c. 112.
1891 c. 69.
Prevention of Crimes Act 1871 and section 7 of the Penal Servitude Act 1891 (suspected persons and reputed thieves being abroad with criminal intent).

4. Offences under any of the following provisions of the 1916 c. 50.Larceny Act 1916:—

sections 2 to 4 (theft and its variants);
sections 12 to 15 (aggravated forms of larceny);
sections 24 to 27 (sacrilege, burglary and housebreaking);
section 28(2), (3) and (4) (going about at night as for burglary);
sections 29 and 30 (demanding with menaces).

5. Offences under section 51(1) of the 1964 c. 48.
1967 c. 77.
Police Act 1964 or section 41 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (assaulting constable in execution of his duty).