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And there came the Beetle so blind and so black,
Who carried the Emmet his friend on his back;
And there came the Gnat and the Dragonfly too,
And all their relations, green, orange, and blue.
And there came the Moth in his plumage of down,
And the Hornet in jacket of yellow and brown,
Who with him the Wasp his companion did bring;
But they promis'd that ev'ning to lay by their sting.

And the sly little Dormouse crept out of his hole,
And led to the feast his blind brother the Mole;
And the Snail, with his horns peeping out from his shell,
Came from a great distance—the length of an ell.
A mushroom their table, and on it was laid
A water-dock leaf, which a tablecloth made;
The viands were various, to each of their taste,
And the Bee brought his honey to crown the repast.

There close on his haunches, so solemn and wise,
The Frog from a corner look'd up to the skies;