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Nor these alone, but all we see
Around us and above
Extol thy grace and majesty,
And speak thy boundless love.

18. The Song of the Innocents of Bethlehem.

The little church with flowers is strown,
The lights are gleaming bright,
For Jesus from his altar-throne
His blessing gives to-night.
Methinks before that altar lair
An infant band I see,
And childlike voices fill the air
Which sing these words to me:

"We are the little ones who died
For Bethlehem's Infant slain;
Cut down through cruel Herod's pride,
That he in peace might reign.
But now we sing a cherub band
Before the Christ Child bright;
With palm and lily in each hand,
And robes of glistening white.

Then, little children, fear ye not
To join our joyous strain,
And sing the Lamb without a spot
On Calvary's mountain slain.
For though your home is on the earth,
And ours in heaven above,
Yet are we one by human birth,
And one in Christ's dear love.