Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/106

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

角 kak; horn; corner.

靂 leh, lêh; a clap.

敢 káⁿ; dare.

貯 tíu; khǹg; chɵ̄; put away.

孔 khang; khóng; a hole.

空 khong; khang; empty

對 tùi; pair, opposite, by.

肥 pûi; fat, rich.

瘦 sán; sò; thin, lean.

殼 khak; shell; hollow.-

偕 kāi, kŭa; jointly.

灰 hu; embers, dust.

1 i tùi suaⁿ kha keng kùe. 1 He came by the foot of the hill.
2 i sie kāng cîah. 2 They eat together.
3 cí koiⁿ chù sĭ i kŭa úa sie kāng kâi. ūaⁿ saⁿ. 3 This house is his and mine together. Change clothes.
4 lâ lɵ̂h khah pûi. 4 There is too much fat in it.
5 saⁿ kak: ngŏ kak. 5 Triangular: pentangular.
6 i kâi phīⁿ khang sòi. 6 His nostril is small.
7 khǹg khah kú cĭu àiⁿ chàu. 7 If kept too long it will smell.
8 i kŭa úa tâng cɵ̀. 8 He acts conjointly with me.
9 i kâi thâu khak thìaⁿ. 9 His head aches.
10 úa cɵ̀ káⁿ? khang khak. 10 How dare I? Hollow.
11 úa tīaⁿ tîeh m̄ káⁿ. 11 I surely dare not.
12 lʉ́ káⁿ, sĭ, bɵ̂ àiⁿ kāng úa tàⁿ! thâu khak úaⁿ. 12 You dare, dare you, not to tell me! A skull.
13 lʉ́ khǹg tɵ̆ tó lăi, mài kio nâng tàⁿ. 13 Lay it up in your mind, and do not tell anybody.
14 lʉ́ kio úa khǹg pàng kɵ̀. 14 You keep it for me.
15 khong cʉ́: mêng cʉ́. 15 Confucius: Mencius.
16 kŭa lʉ́ tùi mīn cɵ̆. 16 Your vis-a-vis.
17 gû kak sĭ khang khak kâi, a m̄ sĭ? sĭ. 17 A cow’s horn is hollow, is it not? It is.
18 sie cɵ̀ húe hu. 18 Burn it to ashes.
19 pûaⁿ úaⁿ mài leh leh kìe. 19 Do not clatter the dishes.
20 lʉ́ kâi mīn cɵ̀ nî ŏi hìeⁿ sán sò? tùi mīn. 20 Why is your face so thin? Opposite.
21 tùi cí kâi khang jîp khʉ̀. 21 Go in through this hole.
22 chɵ̄ pàng khak tói. 22 Put it away in the shell.
23 úa kāi lʉ́ cɵ̀ tùi thâu. 23 I am your rival.