Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/144

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

取 chú; assume; get.

儉 khĭam; frugal.

* siap; stingy.

漸 cĭam; gradual.

利 lĭ; shrewd; profitable.

害 hāi; injurious.

防 hûang; screen; ward off.

險 híam; danger; abyss.

危 ngûi; huang; imminent.

懶 lán; languid.

惰 tŏaⁿ; lazy.

憨 ngà; stupid; foolish.

1 ngà sĭeⁿ. tàⁿ ngà ūe. 1 Foolishly thought. Stupid speech.
2 cí kâi nâng thóiⁿ tîeh gūa mīn ngà, i kâi sim lăi sĭm sĭ lĭ hāi. 2 This person’s appearance would be considered foolish, but his mind is very subtle.
3 híam híam khʉt lʉ́ tàⁿ kàu úa àiⁿ. 3 Almost persuaded by you to wish for it myself.
4 i lán tŏaⁿ căi. 4 He is very indolent.
5 cĭam cĭam bɵ̂ khʉ̀. 5 Gradually disappeared.
6 i kâi nâng cɵ̀ sʉ̄ khah khĭam siap. 6 He transacts business too economically.
7 ca mê kâi huang cĭam cĭam thàu, cĭam cĭam lĭ hāi. 7 The wind last night gradually became more violent and destructive.
8 lʉ́ hɵ́ cai hûang i. 8 You better beware of him.
9 i pēⁿ huang híam căi; tîeh cai hûang ău sʉ̄. 9 He is dangerously ill; you must guard against consequences.
10 lʉ́ tɵ̆ i cûn lí sʉ̄, sĭ cîah i, a sĭ cîah ka kī. 10 In managing affairs on his boat, does he furnish your food, or do you yourself?
11 úa cîah ka kī. 11 I supply my own food.
12 tek kɵ phah cúi, hʉ̂ thâu thìaⁿ. 12 When you beat the water with a bamboo, the fishes’ heads ache.
13 cí kâi nâng sĭm hɵ́ chú. 13 This person is very suitable.
14 cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ sĭm khɵ́ chú. 14 This thing is very appropriate.
15 cí kâi sʉ̄ cĭu úa thóiⁿ kìⁿ lâi, cêk bɵ̂ khɵ́ chú. 15 This affair, as I understand it, is wholly inappropriate.
16 cí kâi sî hāu sĭ ngûi kâi sî hāu. huang híam sí. 16 This season is a dangerous time. Very nearly died.
17 lʉ́ sɵ́ phah sǹg sĭ ngà căi. 17 Your conclusion is a foolish one.