Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/148

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

淨 cĕng; limpid; only.

清 cheng; clean; clear.

潔 kiet; khih; pure.

混 hŭn; turbid; confuse.

敗 * ien; tainted.

裏 * tói; interior; inside.

生 * cheⁿ; raw; unripe.

熟 sêk; ripe; cooked.

消 sio; digest; dissolve.

消 * sie; transpire; news.

息 sit; message; respire.

神 sîn; gods; spirit.

1 sin ke pheng pêh. 1 Elegible to office.
2 sói cheng khih cheng khih. 2 Wash very clean.
3 tói mīn kâi ien, gūa mīn bŏi ien. 3 The inside is tainted but the outside is not.
4 cheⁿ kâi kōi ien, sêk kâi mān ien. 4 The raw easily spoils, the cooked will keep longer.
5 ŭ sih mih hɵ́ sie sit? 5 What is the news?
6 i ŭ kìa sie sit a bɵ̂? 6 Did he send any message?
7 kàu sì nî kú bɵ̂ sie sit. 7 No tidings for four years.
8 lʉ́ mài hŭn úa. 8 Do not you disturb me.
9 sîn sài. mn̄g sîn. 9 Angels. Consult the gods.
10 sîn, ŭ kâi cin, ŭ kâi ké. 10 Of gods there are false and true.
11 cí kâi nâng sèⁿ lâi ŭ sieh sîn. 11 This person has a guardian angel.
12 cí kâi nâng thóiⁿ tîeh bɵ̂ sîn. 12 This person appears spiritless.
13 sêk kâi mûeh kōi sio. 13 Cooked things digest easily.
14 cīeⁿ sî tó lăi m̄ sio cîah. 14 Did not digest the last meal.
15 cīe kúi jît ŭ sie sit. 15 There was tidings a few days ago.
16 cí kúi jît ío sêk lío. 16 Lately they are riper.
17 kiet cĕng tī hng. 17 Clean the country.
18 cheⁿ sêk mài sie hŭn. 18 D’ont mingle the green and ripe.
19 mài hŭn úa sǹg sìo. 19 Do not disturb my calculation.
20 tī tói ŭ sih mih tɵ̆? 20 What is inside the earth?
21 khoi tói kâi cúi cheng khih. 21 The water in the river is clean.
22 o hûn pun huang chue sio. 22 The wind has dispersed the clouds.
23 cêk jît sio ŭ jîeh cōi bí? 23 How much rice is consumed in a day?
24 tī íeⁿ mûeh sio ío cōi? 24 Of which thing is the most used?
25 tī kɵ̀ sio ío ke? 25 Where is the greatest consumption?