Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/186

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

糊 hû; foolish; confused.

煮 cʉ́; cook; boil; steep.

煲 pû; sâh; cook with water.

椿 ceng; pound with pounder.

蒸 * chue; cook with steam.

醃 * lŏ; to pickle.

糊 * kô; paste.

斬 cám; to chop.

砍 * tok; split.

削 siak; hew.

批 phoi; pare.

刮 * kueh; scrape; abrade.

1 cʉ́ cîah. cʉ́ pn̄g. 1 Cooking food. Boil rice.
2 cʉ́ sêk. hû sueh. 2 Cook through. Nonsensical.
3 hû lŭan. hû hŭn. 3 Incoherent. Not perspicuous.
4 pû cúi cɵ̀ kô. 4 Heat water for making paste.
5 bí ceng pêh pêh. 5 Pound the rice very white.
6 pn̄g mài cʉ́ khah mî. 6 Do not cook the rice too soft.
7 cám chīu lîah cío. 7 Cut down the tree to catch the bird.
8 lŏ kàu jît cìaⁿ hɵ́ cîah. 8 Pickle it enough and it is good.
9 seⁿ hɵ́, cʉ́ pn̄g pêh. 9 The handsome are good cooks.
10 cí kâi a sim nâng mîa ke chue kúe. 10 This woman is a skillful cake-maker.
11 cí tieⁿ jī cang kô tah pàng lō tèng khʉt nâng thóiⁿ. 11 Get paste and stick this placard up by the road to be seen.
12 phoi tī i kâi phûe. 12 Pare off its rind.
13 siak kàu ciam ciam. 13 Whittle it to a point.
14 cí kâi siah tê kẁn ēng kueh tɵ, kueh i kng. 14 Use a scraper and scrape this pewter tea-pot bright.
15 tī tîang siet lîp khí thâu pû mûeh cʉ́ mûeh? 15 Who first invented cooking?
16 koi nn̆g hɵ́ sâh sêk. 16 Boil the eggs hard.
17 i kíaⁿ jît khí thâu lâi. 17 He began to come to-day.
18 thâu cêk kâi cĭu sĭ. 18 It is the one at the top.
19 khĭa khui cē, mài i tok tîeh. 19 Stand off a little, so he won’t hit you (in splitting.)
20 cám kúi ki châ lâi pû pn̄g. cám tīo. 20 Chop a few sticks of wood to boil the rice. Chop off.
21 mɵ̂ kueh cheng khih, cìaⁿ hɵ́ chue. 21 Scrape the hair off clean, then steam it.