Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/200

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

成 sîaⁿ; a tenth; full.

漿 cieⁿ; a thick fluid.

扇 sìⁿ; a fan.

銼 chò̵; file.

斧 pó; hatchet; to hack.

鋤 tû̵; hoe; mattock.

汁 cap; juice; sap.

弄 * mûeh; meddle with.

漏 lāu; leak; filter.

挖 * líu; to dig out.

掘 kût; dig; delve.

斷 tn̆g; break off.

1 cîaⁿ jît. cêk sîaⁿ sìo. 1 The entire day. A tenth of them.
2 cih cò̵ chit sîaⁿ sǹg. 2 A dividend of seven tenths.
3 i àiⁿ poih sîaⁿ. 3 He wants eighty per cent.
4 bô̵ sîaⁿ sìo. 4 Not the full number.
5 bí cieⁿ. mī cieⁿ. cúi cieⁿ. 5 Congee. Starch. Broth.
6 àiⁿ líu tī kha. 6 Will dig the foundation.
7 cúi lāu. ŏi lāu a bŏi? 7 A filter. Does it leak?
8 ah mô̵ sìⁿ. chù téng ŏi lāu. 8 Duck’s feather fan. The roof leaks.
9 pó thâu. tû̵ thâu. ki chò̵. 9 An axe. A hoe. A file.
10 ēng tû̵ thâu kio úa kût tn̆g. 10 Chop it off for me with the hoe.
11 cí tîo so̵h àiⁿ tn̆g. 11 This rope is going to break.
12 khu̵t i mûeh tīo. 12 Destroyed by him.
13 pó thâu pàng tŏ̵ chīu kha. 13 Put the axe by the tree.
14 lʉ́ kâi tû̵ thâu mài líu tn̆g cí câng chīu kʉn. 14 Do not, in digging, cut off this root with the hoe.
15 hû̵ cap lāu chut kẁn gūa. kût pó. 15 The fish gravy has leaked out of the pot. A pick.
16 lʉ́ mài mûeh tīo cí ki chò̵. 16 Do not handle and spoil this file.
17 cí tîo thih, ēng chò̵ lâi chò̵ tn̆g. 17 File this bar of iron in two with a file.
18 mài kût khah chim. 18 Do not dig too deep.
19 cap lāu tīo saⁿ sîaⁿ khù̵. 19 Three tenths of the sap has run out.
20 cí īeⁿ kúe cí ío ŭ cap. 20 This sort of fruit is more juicy.
21 cang pó thâu tok chùi chùi. líu kâi khang. 21 Take an axe and cut it up fine. Dig a hole.
22 lú̵ mài mûeh tîeh úa. 22 Do not meddle with me.
23 líu céⁿ. gô̵ mô̵ sìⁿ. 23 Dig a well. Goose feather fan.
24 cí lîap kaⁿ bô̵ mih cap. 24 This orange is not very juicy.