Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/214

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

棺 kuaⁿ; kwn; coffin.

跨 * hûah; to straddle.

籐 tîn; rattan.

織 cit; keⁿ; weave.

潺 * hā; roar; hum.

吐 thò; to vomit.

踏 tâh; to tread on.

舉 kʉ́; elevate.

動 tɵ̆ng; tăng; shake.

轎 kīe; sedan chair.

湧 éng; waves.

罪 cŭe; sin; offense.

1 sŭn huang siang sàng. 2 sàng khʉt lʉ́. 3 sie sàng. tîn íⁿ. 4 kìu seⁿ mīa. sàng i khʉ̀. 5 sàng sŭn huang. kīe hu. 6 lʉ́ sàng i kàu tī kɵ̀? 7 i sàng lʉ́ kúi kĭaⁿ mûeh. 8 cí kâi sĭ nâng sàng kâi. 9 kuaⁿ bâk. hā hā kìe. 10 siu kwn. kúi tîo tîn. 11 i būe ŭ siu kwn. 12 hûah m̄ kùe. hûah kùe. kha tâh. 13 îo tŏng nâng sim. 14 cit pò: keⁿ pò. cɵ̆ kīe. 15 cit cháu chîeh; cit chíu kʉn. 16 cit chut ŭ hue jī. 17 mài hā hā kìe. 18 chīu, khʉt huang chue tîeh, hā hā kìe. 19 nâng bé hā hā kìe tùi cí kɵ̀ kùe. kng kīe. 20 kha tâh íⁿ. kha mài tâh. 21 lʉ́ mài tâh tîeh úa. 22 kʉ́ chíu. kong kʉ́ kâi nâng. 23 kʉ́ tŏng tōa pāng. 24 kʉ́ mâk bɵ̂ chin.

1 May you have a fair wind. 2 I give this to you. 3 Reciprocate gifts. Rattan chair. 4 Save life. Accompany him. 5 Favorable wind. Chair bearers. 6 How far did you go with him? 7 He presents you several things. 8 This was a present. 9 A coffin. Gurgle. 10 To encoffin. Several rattans. 11 He is not yet encoffined. 12 Can't straddle across. Straddled across. Foot-stool. 13 Agitate the feelings. 14 Weave cloth. Go in a sedan. 15 Weave matting; weave napkins. 16 Weave in figures. 17 Do not vociferate. 18 The trees, blown by the wind, reverberate. 19 A crowd went clamoring past here. Bear a sedan. 20 Foot-stool. Don't tread on it. 21 Do not you step on me. 22 Raise the hand. Candidate put forth by the public. 23 A good deportment. 24 A stranger in a strange land.