Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/216

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

脫 thut; escape; relinquish.

脫 * thǹg; pak; strip; take off.

穿 * chēng; put on garments.

穿 * chng; perforate; bore.

篩 thai; sieve; sift.

值 * tâk; worth; value.

價 kè; price.

貨 hùe; wares.

界 kài; boundary.

髓 chúe; marrow.

骨 kut; bone.

橋 kîe; bridge.

1 úa bɵ̂ pńg cîⁿ, phò lăi bɵ̂ hùe. 2 bói sih mih kè cîⁿ, lʉ́ hɵ́ tàⁿ mêng. 3 cí sang ôi sih mih kè cîⁿ? tâk cîⁿ. 4 pak chiah kha. pak tīo bɵ̄. 5 bé uaⁿ kîe. chēng saⁿ. 6 thut phûe. chng cîⁿ. 7 thâu khak kng kng; bɵ̂ tì bɵ̄. 8 khɵ́ íⁿ thut sin. 9 cí kâi nâng sĭm sĭ thut sôk. 10 bɵ̂ kɵ̀ hɵ́ chut thut. 11 thǹg tīo saⁿ. thǹg tīo ôi. 12 chēng tn̂g saⁿ. kut thâu. 13 thut tīo i kâi chin. 14 chng hĭⁿ. chēng khò. 15 i kâi i hôk chēng chut lâi sĭm hɵ́ thóiⁿ. tī kài. 16 chng hɵ́, tìo pàng chīu tèng. 17 sî kè. chĭ kè. 18 kè cîⁿ kùi căi. 19 bɵ̂ kè. bɵ̂ tàⁿ kè. 20 sît kè. bɵ̂ nɵ̆ kè. 21 hùe mûeh. pêh kut. 22 kak īeⁿ hùe se, m̄ tân. 23 kut nêk. hʉ̂ thâu chúe.

1 I have no capital, so my shop has no stock. 2 Tell plainly what price you bought it for. 3 What is the price of this pair of shoes? Costly. 4 Bare-footed. Take off a hat. 5 An arched bridge. Wear clothes. 6 Cast the skin. String cash. 7 Bare-headed; no hat on. 8 Managed to escape. 9 This person is very refined. 10 No way of egress. 11 Undress. Take off your shoes. 12 Wear a long gown. The bones. 13 Break off a betrothal. 14 Perforate the ears. Put on trowsers. 15 She was very prettily dressed. A boundary. 16 Bore a hole through it and hang it up in a tree. 17 Current rate. Market price. 18 The price is exorbitant. 19 Priceless. No false price. 20 The real price. No two prices. 21 Stock in trade. Dry bones. 22 All descriptions of goods. 23 Blood relations. Fish brains.