Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/234

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


腦 náu; brains; head. 袋 * tài; case; cover. 伸 sin; vindicate; redress. 伸 * chun; stretch out. 冤 wn; ill usage; vex. 迷 mî; bewitch; delude.

腮 sai; jaws; jowl. 肝 kuaⁿ; liver. 胵 * kʉ̆n; gizzard; tripe. 膽 táⁿ; the gall; courage. 肺 hùi; the lungs. 嗎 * hēⁿ; interrogative assent.

1 lʉ́ thóiⁿ kìⁿ kúi, hēⁿ. 2 lʉ́ tàⁿ kúi ūe. 3 kúi sîn. īu hɵ́. 4 kúi thâu kúi náu. 5 i khʉt kúi mî tîeh. 6 lʉ́ hɵ́ sin i kâi wn. 7 wn kúi. tōa ûi. 8 kúi húe. saⁿ ki ûi. 9 kúi lîah kúi. 10 lĭ hãi kùe kúi. 11 tōa búe. lîah tŏa. cûn tăi. 12 bɵ̂ thâu náu. 13 náu ău kìⁿ sai. náu tài. 14 chun chíu, chun kha. 15 chun tît kha. 16 chun tn̂g chut lâi. 17 sin wn. īu tōa. 18 wn ke cɵ̀ kú cîaⁿ chin ke, chin ke cɵ̀ kú cîaⁿ wn ke. 19 hàm wn; kìe wn. hẽⁿ. 20 hàn mû m̄ cai nâng. 21 mî sit lō thâu. 22 cip mî. sim kuaⁿ thâu. 23 àiⁿ ní tʉ kuaⁿ sek. 24 kuaⁿ húe. táⁿ cap. 25 táⁿ tōa. bɵ̂ táⁿ.

1 What are you afraid of? 2 You speak empty words. 3 Supernatural beings. Better. 4 To eaves drop, and peep about. 5 He is possessed by a devil. 6 You should redress his wrong. 7 Unavenged spirit. Mainmast. 8 Will-o'-wisp. Three-masted. 9 A rogue catching a rogue. 10 Hatefuler than a devil. 11 The part of the rudder in the water. Steer. Rudder. 12 No head for the matter. 13 See the jaws from behind the head. Pericranium. 14 Stretch out the arm and leg. 15 Stretched out, as dead. 16 Stretch it forth. 17 Obtain redress. Even larger. 18 The estranged at length wed, and the wedded become estranged. 19 Declare a grievance. Yes. 20 Stupefied or dazed. 21 To lose the road. 22 Wilfully dull. The chest. 23 Color it dark brown. 24 Temper. The bile. 25 Courageous. Cowardly.