Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/34

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
覓 chūe;
碍 gāi;
叉 che;
刀 tɵ;
匙 sî;
箸 tʉ̄;
盤 pûaⁿ;
鹽 îam;
塊 kɵ̀;
piece, lump.
枝 ki;
branch, a classifier.
把 pé;
bunch, handful.
定 tīaⁿ;
certain, secure.
1 chūe lâi, chūe khʉ̀, chūe m̄ tîeh. 1 Looked all about but could not find it.
2 ŏi chūe tîeh a bŏi? 2 Can you find it?
3 īa sĭ m̄ kìⁿ khʉ̀, hɵ́ khʉ̀ chūe. 3 If it is lost go and look for it.
4 ŏi cɵ̀ nâng: bŏi cɵ̀ nâng. 4 Can be somebody: be nobody.
5 lʉ́ tîeh cɵ̀ hɵ́ nâng. 5 You must be a good boy.
6 bɵ̂ nâng pàng i chut. 6 Nobody let him out.
7 lʉ́ ŭ kìe úa, mē? 7 Have you called me?
8 sì ki che m̄ kìⁿ khʉ̀. 8 Four forks are missing.
9 hʉ́ ki tɵ, khîeh lâi. 9 Bring that knife.
10 lâk ki sî pàng tɵ̆ cí kɵ̀. 10 Put the six spoons here.
11 bói ŭ cêk pé tʉ̄. 11 Bought a bundle of chopsticks.
12 cêk pé tʉ̄ jī câp ki. gāi tîeh. 12 There are twenty chopsticks in one bundle. Impede.
13 chit ki che pàng tɵ̆ pûaⁿ. 13 Put the seven forks on a tray.
14 chūe cêk pé îam. 14 Seek a handful of salt.
15 bói ŭ cêk kɵ̀ îam. 15 Bought a lump of salt.
16 pàng cêk kɵ̀, cêk kɵ̀. 16 Put it piece by piece.
17 tîeh ŭ ngŏ ki che. 17 There must be five forks.
18 pí chʉ́ mài gāi. 18 Do not let this and that clash.
19 lʉ́ mài gāi tîeh úa kâi sʉ̄. 19 Do not you interfere with my business.
20 úa m̆ gāi lʉ́. 20 I won’t hinder you.
21 sʉ̄ tīaⁿ tîeh lío. 21 The matter is settled.
22 tīaⁿ àiⁿ chūe kàu i tîeh. 22 I will certainly seek till I find him.
23 cɵ̀ tīaⁿ: bɵ̂ tīaⁿ tîeh. 23 Give security: not exactly.