Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/36

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
坐 cɵ̆;
住 cŭ, tīu;
食 cîah;
eat, drink,
將 cang;
make use of.
將 ciang;
sign of the future.
條 tîo;
a strip, a classifier.
隻 ciah;
a classifier
椅 íⁿ;
a chair.
索 sɵh;
rope, cords.
飽 pá;
full, satisfied.
幾 * kúi;
how many?
耳 * tīaⁿ;
intensifying particle.
1 jîp: cɵ̆. 1 Come in: sit down.
2 àiⁿ cɵ̆ pàng tī kɵ̀? 2 Where are you going to sit?
3 lâi cɵ̆ pàng cí k̵ɵ̀. 3 Come and sit here.
4 lʉ́ tīu tɵ̆ tī kɵ̀? 4 Where do you live?
5 lʉ́ sĭ cŭ tɵ̆ hʉ́ kɵ̀, a m̄ sĭ? cang seh. 5 You reside there, do you not? Use ropes.
6 cîah a būe? būe. 6 Have you eaten yet? Not yet.
7 ciang lâi, úa àiⁿ khʉ̀. 7 I am going some time.
8 i ciang kàu lío. 8 He has about reached here.
9 i ciang àiⁿ khʉ̀. 9 He is about to go.
10 ciang lâi, bŏi tit khʉ̀ 10 In the future he cannot go.
11 cang ciah íⁿ lâi cɵ̆. 11 Take a chair and sit down.
12 lʉ́ tɵ̆ cîah mih kâi? 12 What are you eating?
13 i cîah pá lío. 18 He has finished eating.
14 cîah kàu àiⁿ pá. 14 Nearly through the meal.
15 tɵ̆ cîah būe pá. 15 Not yet through the meal.
16 cîah kàu pá pá. 16 Eat quite enough.
17 i m̄ kàu cîah. 17 He has not enough to eat.
18 mài cîah khah cōi. 18 Do not eat too much.
19 i cîah khah pá. 19 He has eaten too much.
20 sɵh ŭ kúi tîo? 20 How many ropes are there?
21 lʉ́ ŭ kúi ciah íⁿ? 21 How many chairs have you?
22 úa jîp khʉ̀, i tɵ̆ cɵ̆. 22 When I entered he was sitting.
23 put kùe cîah pá tīaⁿ. 28 Ate no more than enough.
24 ŭ kâi pûaⁿ tīaⁿ tĭaⁿ. 24 Have only a plate.
25 íⁿ, ŭ kúi ciah? 25 How many chairs have you?
26 put kùe saⁿ ciah tīaⁿ. 26 Not more than three.
27 ŭ cêk ciah tīaⁿ tīaⁿ. 27 I have only one.