Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/416

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


秀才 sìu châi; first literary degree. 舉人 kʉ́ jîn; second degree. 進士 cìn sʉ̆; third degree. 翰林 hâng lîm; fourth degree. 霹靂 phek lêk; violent; clap. 煩惱 hŵn lɵ́; sorrowful.

巫術 bû sût; sorcerer. 妖精 io cia; fairies. 琥珀 hóⁿ phek; amber. 奢侈 chia chí; luxurious. 奧妙 àu mĭo; mysterious. 褻瀆 siet tôk; blaspheme.

1 úa thóiⁿ nín a nîe kâi ì sʉ̀ sĭ ut cût; lʉ́ hɵ́ khʉ̀ kɵh lɵ̂ i mài. 2 lîp sìu châi ău cĭu khʉ̀ séⁿ sîaⁿ kháu kʉ́ jîn; tèng kʉ̀ jîn ău cĭu khʉ̀ kiaⁿ sîaⁿ kháu cìn sʉ̆; tèng cìn sʉ̆ ău cĭu khʉ̀ tōiⁿ chì, tōiⁿ chì ău īu khʉ̀ chîo kháu, cĭu tíam hâng lîm. 3 thông seng saⁿ nî nɵ̆ chʉ̀ khʉ̀ hú sîaⁿ kháu sìu châi. 4 kháu kʉ́ jîn, kháu cìn sʉ̆ kháu hâng lîm sĭ saⁿ nî cêk chʉ̀. 5 úa thóiⁿ cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ i sĭ kù ì cɵ̀ kâi. lûi siaⁿ phek lêk. 6 lʉ́ míen ēng hŵn lɵ́. 7 i sĭ bû sût kâi nâng. 8 i sĭ îang mīn khʉ̀ cɵ̀. 9 tâng sin; tâng ki; thóiⁿ sìaⁿ phûa; lɵ̂h sîn phûa. 10 hŭam ŏi ûah kâi mûeh cêk ē kú nî cĭu tɵ ŏi sêng io cia. 11 ēng mûeh m̄ hɵ́ khah chia chí. 12 cí kâi tău lí sĭm sĭ àu mĭo. 13 mài thèng siet tôk i.

1 I see that your mother's idea is that she is aggrieved; go and expostulate with her. 2 After taking the first degree one goes to the provincial city and is examined for the second degree; then to Peking, for the third; then to the palace, and afterwrd before the Court for examination for the fourth and highest. 3 Students go twice in three years to the Hu city examinations. 4 Examinations for the second third and fourth degrees are held once in three years. 5 I consider him very obstinate about this thing. Clap of thunder. 6 You need not be sad. 7 He is a wizard. 8 He did it openly. 9 A person supposed to be possesed by a god. 10 All living things when they once become aged, may become fairies; or many of them may. 11 You should not be too lavish. 12 This doctrine is very deep. 13 Do not thoughtlessly desecrate it.