Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/418

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

甚是多 * tōa bɵ́ mûeh; a great deal.

忽然間 * hûh cē kìe; suddenly.

發寒顫 * phah chùn lūn; shudder.

顫抖抖 * noi noi sih; quiver.

慄慄戰 * tâp tâp tùn; shiver.

半斜掩 * hăm a hŏi; ajar.

點子呢 * sut kíaⁿ nih; a little bit.

荊刺中 * chì nâ phè; brambles.

約其畧 * iak bɵ́ lĭang; thereabout.

頗大畧 * chɵ́ lí lîak; somewhat.

聽造化 thèng cău hùe; incidentally.

耶華華 * īa-hûa-hûa; Jehovah.

1 úa cí kɵ̀ tōa bɵ́ mûeh. 1 I have ever so much here.
2 úa tōa bɵ́ mûeh sʉ̄ būe cêng lí. 2 I have a great number of matters not yet arranged.
3 tōa bɵ́ mûeh nâng àiⁿ lâi. 3 Ever so many are coming.
4 hûh cē kìe cĭu ŭ tōa bɵ́ mûeh. 4 Suddenly there was a great deal.
5 hûh cē kìe bɵ̂ khʉ̀. 5 Suddenly disappeared.
6 úa thóiⁿ tîeh cĭu phah chùn lùn. kiaⁿ kàu phah chùn lūn. 6 When I saw it I shuddered. So frightened that he trembled.
7 khì kàu noi noi sih. 7 So angry that he quivered.
8 ùi kàu tâp tâp tùn. 8 So scared that he shook.
9 úa mn̂g hăm a hŏi. 9 My door is ajar
10 úa chûn tíam kíaⁿ nih tīaⁿ. 10 I have only a little bit left.
11 chûn bɵ̂ cêk sut kíaⁿ nih. 11 Scarcely a bit left.
12 sua îa cêk sut kíaⁿ. 12 Spilled a little bit.
13 iak bɵ́ lĭang àiⁿ hɵ́ lío. 13 Just about done.
14 cí kâi sĭ chɵ́ lí lîak hɵ́. ĕ jît cɵ̀ kang hu cē kèng hɵ́. 14 This is tolerably good. Another time make it nicer.
15 i tìam tɵ̆ chì nâ phè tói. 15 He hid in the underbrush.
16 i thèng cău hùe àiⁿ lâi. 16 He will come now and then.
17 cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ thèng lʉ́ kâi cău hùe. 17 Let this matter be at any time when you like.
18 i chɵ́ lí lîak cɵ̀ sĭ îaⁿ kùe lʉ́ kâi. 18 What he does without pains is superior to yours.
19 mn̂g pàng hăm a hŏi. 19 Set the door ajar.
20 i thèng cău hùe mûeh. 20 He now and then does some.
21 cêk kĭaⁿ mûeh noi noi sih. 21 Something quivers.
22 īa-hûa-hûa cʉ gūa bɵ̂ ŭ pât kâi sîn. 22 Beside Jehovah there is no God.