Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/48

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
歲 * hùe;
a year.
年 nî;
a year.
子 cʉ́, kíaⁿ;
child; little.
孩 * nôⁿ;
child; infant.
顯 híen;
生 seⁿ;
life; produce.
阿 a;
a prefix to names.
老 lău, láu;
幼 iùⁿ;
small, young.
新 sin;
舊 kū;
久 kú;
a long time.
1 lʉ́ ŭ jîeh cōi hùe? 1 How old are you?
2 úa saⁿ câp gūa hùe. 2 I am over thirty.
3 i nî hùe cōi. 3 He is advanced in years.
4 sin nî àiⁿ kàu. 4 The new year is near.
5 kim nî úa àiⁿ khʉ̀. 5 I shall go this year.
6 kū nî i m̄ pat lâi. 6 Last year he did not come.
7 hʉ́ cêk nî i jîh gūa hùe. 7 That year he was over twenty.
8 ău nî: ău nî. 8 Year after next: in after years.
9 i ŭ saⁿ kâi kíaⁿ. 9 She has three children.
10 cêk ciah íⁿ kíaⁿ. 10 A little chair.
11 cêk ki tɵ kíaⁿ. 11 A little knife.
12 i híen hīn khʉt nâng thóiⁿ. 12 He appeared so that people could see him.
13 lău iùⁿ, hăm kâi lâi. 13 Old and young, all came.
14 nín kâi lău tōa àiⁿ lâi mē? 14 Are your old people coming?
15 lău nâng ke. 15 Venerable head of the family.
16 i kâi nâng lău tōa. 16 He is aged.
17 i khʉ̀ kú lío. 17 He went a long time ago.
18 lʉ́ kú m̄ pat lâi. cʉ́ sòi. 18 You have not been here for a long time. Be careful.
19 i kú kú tɵ̆. 19 It is always there.
20 úa hīn căi lâi khʉ̀. 20 I am going to go now.
21 lʉ́ lâi ŭ jîeh kú? 21 How long since you came?
22 bói kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú? 22 How long since you bought it?
23 nâng nâng sɵ́ àiⁿ. 23 What everyone wants.
24 i seⁿ a nôⁿ lío. 24 She already has a child.
25 cí kâi a nôⁿ kíaⁿ seⁿ kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú? 25 How long since this child was born?