Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/52

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
男 lâm;
ta-po; human male.
女 nńg;
ca-bó; female.
夫 hu;
ang; man; husband.
婦 hŭ;
bó; woman; wife.
姿 cʉ;
娘 nîe;
lady; mother.
飯 pn̄g;
boiled rice.
姓 sèⁿ;
surname; clan.
請 chíaⁿ;
用 ēng;
use; employ.
裝 * chɵ̄;
hold; contain.
裝 cuang;
tieⁿ; affect; dress.
1 ŭ ēng: bɵ̂ ēng. 1 Useful: useless.
2 cí kâi ŭ sih mih ēng? 2 Of what use is this?
3 thâu ke nîe tɵ̆ mē? 3 Is your mistress in?
4 cí kâi pue chɵ̄ mih kâi? 4 What is in this cup?
5 cang kâi pn̄g úaⁿ khʉ̀ chɵ̄. 5 Take a rice bowl to hold it.
6 chɵ̄ pàng pn̄g úaⁿ. 6 Put it in a rice bowl.
7 àiⁿ chíaⁿ nâng kheh. 7 Going to invite company.
8 cí cêk ūi cʉ nîe kíaⁿ. 8 This young lady.
9 i seⁿ kâi cʉ nîe kíaⁿ. 9 She has given birth to a daughter
10 i seⁿ kâi ta-po kíaⁿ. 10 She has given birth to a son.
11 i sɵ́ seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ, sĭ ta-po, a sĭ cʉ nîe? 11 Is the child she has borne male or female?
12 i hu hŭ nɵ̆ nâng lâi. 12 Husband and wife both came.
13 àiⁿ ēng cɵ̀ sĭm mih kâi? 13 What are you going to make of it?
14 hŭ jîn nâng m̄ hɵ́ khʉ̀. 14 Women should not go.
15 lâm nńg hăm kâi khʉ̀. 15 Male and female, all went.
16 i bɵ̂ bó, bɵ̂ kíaⁿ. 16 He has no wife nor children.
17 i soiⁿ ŭ kâi ang. 17 She formerly had a husband.
18 hʉ́ kâi a nôⁿ sĭ ta-po a sĭ ca-bó? tieⁿ cɵ̀. 18 Is that child a boy or a girl. Affect to be.
19 i ŭ kâi ke ău. 19 He has a wife.
20 úa cêk seⁿ m̄ pat thóiⁿ. 20 I never in all my life saw—.
21 lʉ́ sih mih sèⁿ? 21 What is your surname?
22 nín cêk sèⁿ, lâm nńg jîeh cōi nâng? 22 Male and female, how many are there in your clan?
23 chíaⁿ kâi cʉ nîe nâng kheh. 23 Invite a lady guest.
24 chíaⁿ i kâi ang lâi cîah pn̄g. tieⁿ. 24 Invite her husband to come and eat. To decant liquors.
25 nńg cɵ̀ lâm cuang. 25 A woman in men’s clothes.