Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/60

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
a cupboard.
樓 lâu;
an upper story.
路 lō;
road, path.
巷 hāng;
lane, street.
塗 thô;
earth, soil.
擔 tàⁿ;
burden, a picul.
起 khí;
rise, build, begin.
擔 taⁿ;
carry on a pole over the shoulder.
曝 phâk;
to sun.
濕 sip;
tâm; wet.
乾 * ta;
重 têng;
1 lʉ́ khʉ̀ kāng i tàⁿ. 1 You go and tell him.
2 úa àiⁿ kio i tàⁿ. 2 I shall tell him.
3 i chī tʉ, chī gû. 3 He rears hogs and cows.
4 cîah tû: tû kíaⁿ. 4 A food safe: little cupboard.
5 cí tîo hāng kɵ́ khʉ̀ tī kɵ̀? 5 Where does this road lead to?
6 cí kâi tâm tâm kâi lō khí thâu phâk ta lío. 6 This muddy road is beginning to get dry.
7 cí tàⁿ mûeh hɵ́ taⁿ pàng saⁿ têng lâu kɵ̀. ? Carry this carry of things and put them in the third story.
8 phâk ta ŭ kúi têng lío. 8 Several layers have dried.
9 i khí thâu tàⁿ ūe. 9 He began to speak.
10 bɵ̂ lō hɵ́ kîaⁿ. 10 There is no road to walk in.
11 kìe kâi nâng lâi taⁿ thô. 11 Call a man to carry earth.
12 phâk kàu ta ta. 12 Sun it till it is dry.
13 taⁿ jîh gūa tàⁿ thô, sip sip. 13 Carried over twenty loads of earth. Dank.
14 úa taⁿ ŭ sâp gūa tàⁿ. 14 I have carried over thirty loads.
15 lʉ́ taⁿ ŭ kúi tàⁿ? 15 How many loads did you carry?
16 i tɵ̆ cáu bé lâu kîaⁿ lâi, kîaⁿ khʉ̀. 16 He is walking back and forth on the verandah.
17 cí cêk cɵ̄ chù khí kàu taⁿ ŭ jîeh kú lío? 17 How long since this house was built?
18 i àiⁿ khí kâi cáu bé lâu. 18 He will build a verandah.
19 m̄ sĭ hʉ́ cêk tîo lō. 19 It is not that road.
20 lō tâm tâm m̄ hɵ́ kîaⁿ. 20 The road is very wet, so that one cannot well walk.
21 taⁿ khí kîaⁿ cuang. 21 Carry the luggage.
22 cuang kúi tàⁿ îu khù bōi. 22 Decant several piculs of oil for selling.