Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/90

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
紅 âng;
青 cheⁿ;
green; blue.
烏 o;
白 pêh;
white; elear.
藍 lâm;
chíⁿ; indigo; blue.
綠 lêk;
bright green.
赤 chiah;
a light brown.
黃 n̂g;
染 ní;
jíam; dye.
色 sek;
跟 kʉn;
the heel.
竟 * io;
ío; but.
1 chim âng: chíen âng. 1 Dark red: light red.
2 it lâm: jī lâm: saⁿ lâm. 2 Navy blue: dark blue: pale blue.
3 tûn âng, khí pêh. 3 Red lips and white teeth.
4 âng sʉ̄: pêh sʉ̄. 4 Happy affair: sad affair.
5 âng mɵ̂ nâng. 5 Red haired people; foreigners.
6 lêk lêk. âng thâu cûn. 6 Pea green. A junk.
7 pàng âng. kʉn sûi. 7 Have dysentery. Tag after.
8 ŏi mêng pêh a bŏi? 8 Do you comprehend?
9 lʉ́ àiⁿ tī cêk sek? 9 Which colour do you want?
10 i kâi mīn âng âng. 10 His face was very red.
11 àiⁿ jíam cɵ̀ lâm sek. 11 Will dye it blue.
12 i kâi mīn cheⁿ cheⁿ. 12 He is very pale.
13 i kâi nâng mêng pêh. 13 He is intelligent.
14 cɵ̀ nî ŏi hìeⁿ mêng pêh? 14 How can he be so well informed?
15 úa àiⁿ ní n̂g sek, lʉ́ io ní cɵ̀ chiah sek. chiah kha. 15 I wanted it coloured yellow, but you have dyed it brown. Natural footed.
16 cí cêk ciah cío kâi sek sĭ cʉ̆ seⁿ kâi a sĭ nâng ní kâi? jît mê cɵ̀. 16 Is the colour of this bird natural or is it artificial? Worked day and night.
17 cí kâi sĭ i kâi pńg sek. 17 This is its natural colour.
18 chūe thien cheⁿ sek kâi. 18 Seek an azure one.
19 i mâk ciu o o. 19 His eyes are black.
20 úa sim sĭeⁿ sĭ úa kâi, io sĭ lʉ́ kâi. jît jîet. 20 I thought it was mine, but it is yours. The sun is hot.
21 i chông côiⁿ cêng kʉn kùe úa. 21 He formerly attended upon me.
22 i kʉn sûi úa lâi. 22 He followed me here.
23 i kʉn sûi úa nɵ̆ nî lío. 23 He has served me two years.