Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/94

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
雪 sɵh;
名 mîa;
花 hue;
樹 chīu;
葉 hîeh;
根 kʉn;
叢 câng;
classifier of trees.
摘 tiah;
to pluck.
拔 pôih;
to pull out.
留 lîu;
lâu; lay up; detain.
發 hwt;
to shoot forth.
拔 * máng;
to pull up.
1 i kâi mîa siaⁿ hɵ́. 1 His reputation is good.
2 thiⁿ hwt o àm àiⁿ lôh hŏ. 2 The sky darkens, it will rain.
3 i mâk ciu hue hue. 3 His sight is dim.
4 cí kâi cháu hɵ́ máng tīo. 4 Pull up these weeds.
5 ciang lâi kâi mîa sĭ phang. 5 Your future name wil lbe fragrant.
6 i sih mih mîa jī? 6 What is his name?
7 lʉ́ kìe cɵ̀ sih mih mîa? 7 What is your name?
8 hue koi. chīu hîeh. 8 A turkey. Leaf of a tree.
9 cí câng chīu, chíu ki, chīu kʉn, chīu phûe, lóng cóng mài lâu i. 9 Do not leave any of this tree, branches, roots, or bark.
10 chīu thâu. 10 Largest part of the trunk.
11 i kâi mīn sɵh sɵh pêh. 11 Her face is of snowy whiteness.
12 cí kúi câng hue, máng tīo. 12 Pull up these plants.
13 cí câng hue hwt lâi hɵ́ thóiⁿ; tiah kúi ki lâi. 13 These flowers have sprung up very prettily; pick a few.
14 cí câng hue khui lâi sɵh sɵh pêh. mîa sek. 14 This flower has blossomed snowy white. Reputation.
15 thiⁿ àiⁿ lɵ̂h sɵh. 15 It is going to snow.
16 kʉn mài pôih tīo, i hŵn ŏi hwt. 16 Do not pull out the root, and it will sprout again.
17 lâu pàng ĕ jît cîah. 17 Leave it to eat another day.
18 lâu i mài khʉ̀. 18 Detain him from going.
19 cí cêk câng chīu būe ŭ khui hue, soiⁿ hwt hîeh. 19 Before this tree blossoms it puts out leaves.
20 lʉ́ kāi úa lîu sim cɵ̀. 20 Do it carefully for me.
21 mê nî ŏi hwt hue. 21 Next year it will bear flowers.